Friday 16 September 2011

grumpy wombat cookies

Here is a sneak peek at my cookies for the Riley and the Grumpy Wombat book launch this Sunday here in Canberra. Guaranteed to give you the grumps.

Take one packet of Orchard {fondant} icing and knead in the food colouring of your choice {perhaps your new book colour}. If you are using liquid colouring, add a dusting of icing {powdered} sugar as you go, to keep stickiness at bay.

Roll icing to 3mm thickness and cut with a fluted cutter. Transfer to lined cookie sheets to dry.

Trim large chocolate buttons into a bikini-bottom shape for wombat's nose. Secure with a dab of butter icing. Pipe eyes and a mouth with black icing gel. Transfer circles to home-made or pre-bought cookies. I used 'marie' cookies.


  1. Hey Tania

    Does this mean we'll have cookies at the Melbourne launch?! :-)

  2. How many kids will be there? 400? Hmmm... I'll see how I go...

  3. Maybe 300. But hey, who's counting? :-). I promise not to scoff more than my allotted share. But won't be held accountable for how many I tuck away into my pockets :-).


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