Tuesday 8 November 2011

a delicious shopping spree

Okay, so the stars must be aligning with big spending Jupiter or something, because I've spent a small fortune this week so far - a pit stop or two at Country Road and then yesterday a solid morning at DFO with the lovely Jennie McClelland, who is truly the shopping queen.

I went under the guise of having to buy a wedding present - but of course got sucked into every glam store possible where I simply must-had everything... which is kind of an irony because I'm in the midst of a major sort and chuck at home. 

I'm actually not that big of a shopper (I once was, trust me on that one) any more, so this was a major splurge for me. Sigh. Darn pretty things.

Even better though, when pretty things are such bargains.

Above you'll see I pretty much cleaned out Typo. Loving the washi tape dispenser (50 cents), the New York mouse mat, divine balsa wood flat ornaments, which I plan to tie with ribbon and string on my Nordic-inspired Christmas tree, and the stunning DO NOT OPEN ME until Christmas Day and unless your name is ___________ gift tags. Love.

I also snaffled a massive letter E for Ella - half price and made of tin. Truly gorgeous. And don't you love the self-inking bonjour stamp, the French blue butcher's twine and the two whimsical calendars for just $5 a pop. My best best find was a $5 wood veneer, totally 70s cloud, rainbow and bunny for Ella's Santa stocking, and I'm bananas over the Parisian bunting, which will be strewn around my office toute de suite. Again, $5.

All look so pretty with a snatch of fresh iceberg roses from the garden, perched in a tin camping mug.

Yes - some pretty impressive finds, all up - but in keeping with the old 'it's not what you know, but who you know' - the gorgeous girl at Typo just happened to wander over and mention that, due to a broken bracket (it took me two seconds and a staple gun to fix it), this stunning, massive New York City canvas (below) was now selling for $2.

Yes, that's right. $2. And lo, I felt a little faint. But I stood tall and raised my head to the heavens and mouthed 'thank you'. I had just been whining to Jennie about how I'd love to replace some of my artwork and redecorate a little - et voilĂ . So happy. And here it is in our living room at the front of the house, perched above the weekend-sports-wii-games-TV, beckoning anyone who dares cast an eye on its spectacular vista.

And here is another peek at that stunning wood veneer wall decoration for Ella. Just because.

But wait - the treasures don't stop there.

I've also been whining to friends for some time now about how I can't find a sparkly cardie or soft jacket I can wear during special times and also not so special times. As Jennie simply had to wander into Alannah Hill, I obediently followed, and there it was, blinking at me in the shimmering shop light... my sparkly cardie. Here it is in the depths of my wardrobe...

And here it is, blindingly a-shimmer.

Wonderful thing is, it was an utter bargain (1/4 price) and it looks even 10,000 times better (if that's at all possible) on. In fact, when I put it on, I became so verklempt at how stunning it looked, I had to hold onto Alannah's shelving, to try to control my head-spinning glee (soon followed by another nod and 'thank you' to the heavens).

Okay - now, we're not finished yet. Next stop was Provincial, where it's heaven all year round ... I usually don't even go in there, because I know how much it will compromise my marriage. But in there I went. And this time I escaped relatively unscathed. I just had to have this divine tin tray, some vanilla candles, and some delicate tealight holders, that will be used on the outdoor Christmas table. Can you imagine it strewn with bay leaves and nestled with lights? Superb.

And lastly - a little snaffle this morning at Country Road - a new dress for Ella, who has suddenly hit her growth stride and has nothing summer that fits. I've (most unusually) not been falling over at the dresses at CR this season, but this brand newbie was totally irrisistable. And some cute tees.

Right, that's it. Please don't tell husband.

Have you had any gorgeous finds this week?


  1. Yay, it was fun. I totally covet that big deep dish tray from Provincial, it's just the most incredible size & i think it will live many lives!! I have left my lanterns wrapped up, so i'm not tempted to keep them all. Actually the only thing i've unwrapped is the bike basket for my 3rd girl's bike which she's already dreaming, will be filled with flowers. Fun day, no wonder my hands are sore today, all that carrying, then the movie, it was pretty fabulous to relax & enjoy yesterday. Love Posie

  2. $2...are you kidding me? $2! Can't wait to get you here. The magazine fairy came yesterday just in time for Dengue Dani to devour them in bed. I believe the DVD fairy should hit you about next Monday! X


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