Saturday 12 November 2011

dolling up, tying the knot

I don't often doll up. Don't do lunch any more. Rarely dinner. Hardly ever shopping. Life is too focused and driven by work and kids to bother too much with my hair, least of all my nails.

Yesterday, dolling up for a wedding, I was surprised at how much I've missed the process of glamming from head to painted toe nail. It was actually a lot of fun - and while the glammed-up puss staring back at me from the mirror was very different to the night-clubbing, event-hopping party gal of yore - I still felt a wee bit zhoozhed . . . do much so, I heartily flung my spangly purse over my shoulder, gathered that spring in my step, and headed out the door to a stunning afternoon.

When was the last time you streaked a smattering of glitter across an arched eyebrow?


  1. What a stunning looking event. I always said you should be a wedding photographer. (stunning sparkly guest too!)

  2. looks like so much fun! I never get to go to adult events!


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