Thursday 3 November 2011


At my recent book reading at the gorgeous Three Four Knock on the Door in Melbourne, I came across this stunning, utterly adorable knitted aeroplane. Of course, I had to have it on the spot. Can you believe how sweet? ... piloted by a very happy, pig-tailed pilot, joyfully taking to the sky and soaring away.

Sometimes it's tempting to want to soar away. I've been pining for an overseas trip for a long time now, but right now I'd be happy to soar away to any destination. That's a big call for me, seeing that I am currently immersed in doing what I love best - writing writing writing.

We're plotting some major travel for Christmas next year and nothing will stand in my way. But for now, we'll have to wait ... and just take off around the garden with our little knitted friend, feeling the imminent promise of touring to new destinations.


  1. Great post, Tania! Thanks for the uplift and inspiration as always, you're a strong and beautiful woman. Love your little pilot and her plane - great metaphor. Hope you're flying today - you certainly always give me a lift. xx

  2. Thanks, gals, your comments have given me a lift! x

  3. Oh Tania, so much you're not saying here! Sounds like I should give you the wisdom and guidance that can only be found in the ancient italian martial art of 'va funcoolo'

  4. Mama - I would like to thank you for making me WET MYSELF!!

  5. The plane is adorable & your next overseas trip will be amazing, i love the idea of soaring away from troubles, pressure, people - even though they'll still be there when you come back, your mindset has altered to what matters & what is important, what you have & what you can do without, cut away & move on from.
    I have a billion changes going on right now with the crescendo of hand surgery to really halt my pace & i'm so looking forward to a new year with new heights & a whole lot less stress & pressure to perform, instead focus solely on things for my family, happy stress like building us a home. Love Posie

  6. Well said... and yes, I sure can relate! I believe in karma too. I'm crossing the road with you xxx

  7. I'll meet you in Paris? Sounds good? We can wander about the Louvre with a bottle of vino! yes?

    and since I know you need this - to release some of the yuckies (don't keep it inside, it will make YOU have a puckered heart) we are learning Latin here now so - - Pallas meas lambe! needs to be uttered by you to get rid of the yucks!!

    Love you -miss you - sending you virtual hugs and kisses and you my dear - KEEP SHINING!!


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