Wednesday 16 November 2011

picnic tea

So often I scrabble to get dinner sorted - and a lot of the time it centres around whatever I happen to have thawing in the fridge at the time.

In my effort to slow down a little, I made the [simple] effort to shop for and prep a few luscious little ingredients - like wild strawberries, fresh sourdough rolls, some Santa Vittoria bottled juice, smoked oysters (my favourite), nuts, figs, home-made falafel balls, fresh tomatoes, soy chips and brie - bundled them up in a picnic basket, grabbed a rug, and had dinner al fresco with the kids, in a Manuka park.

Sitting in the warm breeze with the sun sinking behind the trees, it was a gorgeous mid-week distraction, and lovely diversion from the daily grind. Just do it.

1 comment:

  1. love this idea - although my kids wouldn't eat anything but the bread and the strawberries!


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