Saturday 5 November 2011

today in the veggie patch

What is it about veggie patches that just make the heart sing? In this glorious, suddenly-warm Canberra weather, we are digging in and getting serious about an enormous summer bounty. We've sectioned the garden to make harvesting easier, and are already reaping the rewards.

Our spring onions have gone banana-pants nuts and I'm already shipping bales out to the neighbours.

The potatoes have become a soon-to-be-wedges-dripping-in-sour-cream forest.

The beets have sprung, the carrots are delving their little orange shins deep into the soil, and I'm already plotting a hearty Christmas dinner.

Last week we added tomatoes, today it's cucumbers and zucchini in bassinet-pots - where they'll warm and mature and stretch their little legs, ready to be added to the pea-straw-strewn soil.

Four types of strawberry went straight into the ground...

And we even have a teensy raspberry vine, which we'll baby and coddle against the fence near our boysenberry vines (one pictured below) - flushed with leaf and blossoms of promise.

Our mini orchard of stone fruit and apples is also in full leaf - will post photos of the baby green fruit, soon. Even our hearty little potted lime has infantile fruit, the colour of wheatgrass and size of a tic tac.

And just look what husband has grown, where the lawn used to be. If we let the rabbits at that, we'd have no new lawn left - how succulent and Irish does each juicy blade look?

It's a delight to be in the garden this time of year.


  1. You're so right, Tania! We actually managed to get into the garden this morning and this evening too.
    Hubbie set up the solar pump by the veggie patch (which is a little sad this year due to lack of time with baby - it is growing a whole heap of self-set spinach, lettuc, chives and about two-dozen strawberry plants, which have all grown from two originals!!) and put a new pump and filter on the fountain.
    I managed to get four plants into the ground - a banksia rose, ornamental grape vine, a red daisy and a new kind of hardy daphne, which I suspect is crossed with jasmine to make it tough.
    Hoping we can get out again tomorrow before it gets too hot!

  2. SD - your green day sounds fabulous, too! I am drooling over your self-perpetuating strawbs... hopefully we'll have a small bounty for Christmas. What do you do with all your extras - we find we have so much produce left over each year! I'll be in the garden along with you tomorrow - after I go seek out an ornamental grape vine!

  3. Oh how i love a fresh garden full of so many wonderful goodies. You must have known I was thinking about you :) i was going through your book yesterday looking up some crafts for Christmas.
    thanks for your sweet comment my friend!

  4. Aw, sweet K! How lovely to know we are linked across the miles! Happy Christmas crafting! xx

  5. Look fantastic & kudos to the lawn growing husband, that is our specialty with constantly leaving Army houses & having to fix the lawn our dog has trampled. We can grow grass in almost any state & territory in Australia, love Posie


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