Tuesday 10 January 2012

australian story: an illustrated timeline

Once there was nothing. Then there was something.

I'm beside myself to show you the cover for Australian Story: An Illustrated Timeline which is being published by the National Library of Australia this April. This book was a joy to research and write, its content masterfully designed and laid out by Peter Shaw.

Featuring a huge collection of images from the National Library's magnificent digital archives, the book trails through time - from the big 'bang' to modern day, showcasing the historical and memorable moments that have shaped our country - from sporting achievements to political and social upheaval, from immigration to invention, culture and entertainment to the journey of our original inhabitants.

This book was a goosebumping journey of emotional bliss for me. It wouldn't have been possible without my amazing publisher Susan Hall, the many fact-checkers, historians and teachers who put their two cents in, and the whole NLA team. I'm deeply proud of this book, for so many reasons, and I loved every moment of its creation. I'm also thrilled to be working on two more books for the NLA, due out 2012/2013.

Australian Story will be available at the National Library of Australia bookshop {and also at their online bookshop} from 1 March 2012, and will be in mainstream bookstores by April. I hope you can manage to snaffle a copy for your own children (or yourself!) and of course, we'll be having a very special book launch at the National Library in April - so watch this blog for details!


  1. It looks brilliant, Tania. And when I next visit the National LIbrary bookshop, I'll say my friend wrote this!!!! ;)

  2. Looks great, Tania,

    Can't wait to read it. I can see why you had so much fun with this one:)


  3. Congratulations Tania on another publication! Looks like a great book for every Australian home.

  4. Oh wow, congratulations Tania! Looks fantastic. Can't wait to get a copy in the flesh. xx

  5. Big kiss, Em - maybe you can come to the launch at the NLA! xx

  6. AWESOME! I'm sure it is a STUNNING piece of work!


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