Saturday 7 January 2012

goodbye christmas

It's with mixed emotions that I take the Christmas decorations down each year. It's kind of sad the season is over but it's also exciting because my thoughts turn to this year and that glorious festive feeling that begins to sneak into our lives mid-November.

I love it when the stores start to sparkle and the excuse for bubble-ridden get togethers heat up and the house begins to shimmer with festive lights.

But I also love right now - early January, even as I stash these festive goodies away.

I love it because it's sunshiny. Our garden is awash with ripened produce. The peaches and plums and lemons and apples are ripening on our trees. The berries have been gobbled by birds, but it's still a thrill to see the juicy leftovers. The air is warm but sometimes breezy. The kids are home and pottering, the living is easy.

I also love this time of year because the year is starting anew and it's wonderful to think ahead and plan all the things you want to experience and achieve.

For me, it will be doing less better. Doing more in a smarter fashion, and taking time out to LIVE, to just BE. To get fitter, to eat fresher, to spend more time with people who lift and fulfill me, to focus, dream big, listen to more music, write and read my heart out, cuddle and adore my children, celebrate every little thing with gusto, appreciate every little thing, too... and, most excitingly, plot and plan our big trip at the end of the year.

December 2012 will be here before we know it, so it's only a temporary goodbye to our Christmas decorations. Thank you, nutcracker men and snowy houses and pine trees and wreaths and sparkling droplets for bringing our family such festive joy for 2011.

See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, doing things better, just sorting out what really counts, what is worth our precious time, i know i'm going to be very picky!!
    Farewell 2011, really, not a fan, good bye & Summer sunshine makes for a great start to the new year, love Posie


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