Wednesday 8 February 2012

o lovely day

I rarely get to leave the house nowadays, being on deadline and all - but today I made [what felt like] a dozen appointments and dashed out the door early. It was overcast and gloomy - and I had a lot to get done.

After a wee spot of shopping - where I snaffled some delicious treats, including a heavily discounted Wheel & Barrow wicker tray and a very covetable Country Road bag that will be perfect for our big trip at the end of the year {NOT that I need another bag!} . . .

. . . I met up with my props-provider and very good friend Jennie McClelland for a delicious lunch and a natter - that is, after some serious swapsies in the car park. Jennie and I often loan things to each other {well, she mostly loans to me, from her mind-boggling collection of stunning items} then meet to swap them all back again. She's loaned me some props for my photo shoot this weekend - all in preparation for my latest NLA book.

Jennie also gave me an early birthday present - can you believe this stunning lunch box??

I'm bananas for its retro-ready picnic-ability. And speaking of bananas - take a look inside . . .

Good friends know your weaknesses. It's love.

Straight after lunch I headed into Civic Library to meet National Year of Reading coordinator Rachel Davis - and we discussed, with much mutual heart-palpitating, a series of events and initiatives for this very special year of literacy. Just wait til you see all the glorious things planned for the ACT, let alone Australia-wide. You can learn more about these events at Libraries ACT or at the NYR12 website.

Then it was off to meet up with the luscious Barbie Robinson on Artsound FM (90.3/92.7) for a natter about NYR12 and Australian Story: an illustrated timeline. It's always so fascinating to chat with Barbie, who is one lovely and inspirational woman. The interview will air this Saturday 11 Feb on 'Taste', at 11.30am, and will be repeated next Tuesday at 3.30pm.

Next was picking up the kids from school {they are always delighted by this unusual treat}, I was bombarded with all the latest on the school curriculum, and of course, was delighted to hear both kids are entering history studies in a big way this year - my, my, I wrote Australian Story at exactly the right time.

And the perfect ending to a busy run-around day was arriving home to a sunshiny afternoon and a massive box, filled with packing peanuts, nestled into which were final copies of my beautiful Beijing Tai Tai.

Husband comes home tonight after a couple of days away, so all in all it's been a lovely, lovely day of treats and gorgeous people and exciting upcoming events.

I hope you've had a lovely day, too.


  1. LOve love the new cover. Naffled myself that wicker basket at an unbelieveable price in Melb, then travelled 8hrs in the car with it jammed under my feet. Am I the only person I know who still travels by car, but that is another story. You sure looked like you were having fun today...spotted you but I was so not work that made my eye numb, not joking, today was not the lovely day, it will happen soon.X

  2. Oh my goodness, Miss R - you weren't in Trenery by any chance, were you!? SO hope to run into you sometime. xx PS: hope the eye improves! PPS: no, you're not the only sucker to travel hours by car - am about to do the same!

  3. Oh my pleasure & didn't i just say to you, after bumping into you before our lunch schedule time, at Country Road "i always find Rachelle in here too" & da dah, Mrs Prim & Pretty was out & about also. Love always, love Posie

  4. Tania - when is your beautiful new cover available in bookshops? Or can I purchase a (signed - please, please??) copy from you?

  5. It's available in stores from 1 April! If you're around Canberra 18 April, come along to the book signing! More info on my blog soon... :)

  6. Tania, what a lovely day indeed! And what a gorgeous post - your blog is a visual feast and your book cover is absolutely stunning. It's such a moment opening those unexpected boxes, isn't it? Congratulations!

  7. How lovely to hear from you Meg; thank you for your sweet words. I hope you get to read Tai Tai some day!

  8. April is SOOO far away! Oh well, I'll have to settle for the few thousand pages of other books I have on the go until then, but I don't promise to wait patiently! ;)

    I'll look out for details of the launch/signing - I see the 18th is a Wednesday - will it be during the day, or evening? Or I can just wait for the details. See - told you I'd have trouble with patient.

  9. Will be in the evening - would love you to come along!


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