Sunday 10 June 2012

mini masterpieces - part one

Okay, so I am TOTALLY enamoured and in love with Mini Masterpieces. I'm so in love, I hyperventilate when I even type the words. The very talented Liz from Paislee Press is my most coveted person right now - she fills her life with images, both photographic and digital - and has dusted off the cruddy old process of scrapbooking and made it into something so stunning and so cool, your eyes will well.

I can't get enough of Liz's blog - and her strikingly beautiful Mini Masterpieces idea is so good, Shutterfly now sells it at their online store {right here}. Basically, it's a book that you can fill with images of your kids' artwork {or your own artwork, or photos, or whatever you like}.

Being that I am ALSO totally in love with my kids' artwork - so much so, great hulking piles of it have taken over our house - this idea has been the brilliant catch-all I've been waiting for.

In fact, I'm SO excited about this, I'm going to take you through the composition of my own books for my kids - from concept to delivery of book. I hope it inspires you to do something precious with the artwork of your kids, too.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect timing- every couple of months I start pulling together a blurb book of my cherubs' artwork and then lose my will to live! Can't wait to see how you go with this.


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