Wednesday 6 June 2012

welcome to Canberra

Gotta love the Welcome to Canberra initiative for newcomers to the capital. The lovely Glynis Rathbone, who does such an incredible job making the lives of Canberra newbies easier, invited me to another Welcome event today, where I read some of my Riley books and schmoozed with some of the kids and their parents.

It's not easy being constantly on the move, especially with wee ones - it's just so lovely to show support to these people and help make that transition easier. Wonderful to also have Libraries ACT in attendance - the lovely Sarah and Sally took guests through the many amazing library services available in the capital, and of course made mention that it's the National Year of Reading here in Australia.

Warm thanks to Sarah Steed for taking some piccies. She always manages to get such fabulous images, even with an iPad!

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