Wednesday 4 July 2012

chocolate party invitations

My gorgeous girl is turning twelve shortly and high school is peeking over the horizon. She has been intent on several horse parties in a row these past years but Mum put her hoof down and said NO MORE! Result? A chocolate party.

I wouldn't say I'm by any means a classic chocoholic but I'll happily ingest it (especially those Boucheé elephants, oh my) and I'll more than happily spoil a gaggle of girls by having them choc-dipped. So, the Chocolate Party is ON and I'm already dreaming up all manner of sweet, chocolaty delights.

Here are my invitations, printed off and wrapped around thin chocolate bars (Cadbury Furry Friends). The front of the invitation asks the girls to OPEN and inside they find the party details and their delicious treat.

More on this party when it goes live next month!


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