Sunday 26 August 2012

Book Week wrap-up

Last week - Book Week here in Australia - was both thrilling and exhausting - I truly don't know how teachers do it! I spent the week visiting a round of fabulous schools and also managed to make it to the Children's Seminar at Canberra Girls' Grammar, where I not only met some gorgeous kids who LOVE to write and read, but caught up with very special writerly peeps.

Here is a little glimpse at my Book Week - and next week is full-on again, with Literacy and Numeracy Week.

Pauline Deeves, me, Christina Booth, Stephanie Owen Reeder and Katie Taylor

Pauline Deeves, me, Christina Booth, Stephanie Owen Reeder and Katie Taylor

The CBCA's Julie Long

me, Stephanie Owen Reeder, Christina Booth, Pauline Deeves, Katie Taylor, Tracey Hawkins, Simon Mitchell and Mollie Bialkowski

Katie Taylor

Stephanie Owen Reeder

Tracey Hawkins

Pauline Deeves

Christina Booth


Mollie Bialkowski

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