Wednesday 12 September 2012

griffith readers' festival!

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I will be presenting to kids on Australian Story at Festival commencement, then talking about Beijing Tai Tai in the afternoon, right before the official opening. On Saturday, I'm running a fabulous adult workshop (3 hours) . . . 

Marketing Yourself and Your Work

Who are you as a writer? Who is your target audience? What do you want to achieve? This three-hour intensive workshop tackles the world of marketing your work and yourself as an author.

Topics will include:

·         understanding your product
·         branding
·         marketing your work
·         using the internet in its myriad forms
·         self-promotion, including book launches and events
·         the media
·         promotional text, blurb and photos
·         approaching publishers
·         tips for success

Learn how to make your work stand out in a saturated book world and how to compete in the market with excellence and savvy. Light notes will be provided, however a notebook and pen is recommended.

Book for the workshop at

Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. You will have the best presentations, i know it. This will be incredible, they are lucky to have you Tania, love Posie


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