Sunday 9 September 2012

photo app crazy

My husband is having a real go at me because I was so reluctant, for sooooo long, to get myself an iPhone. I must admit, I do like the iPhone and it's very useful but by far far far the best best best thing about it - without question - is its photographic capabilities.

Again. I was skeptical. HOW could this device possibly compete with my Nikon D90 SLR? I've realised, in the short time I've had the phone, it's not about competition. It's about so much more. Probably too much to mention, least of all the size of the phone, the ease, the apps . . .

It started with instagram and moved quickly into Picjointer (currently free). 

I then took a ride with ShakeItPhoto which has limited capability, but who can resist an instant polaroid?

Last night I downloaded Color Effects, which allows you create those glorious bit-colour images, but I must admit, it's difficult to be really accurate with colour placement unless you have a screen stylus. {note to self: get a stylus}


I've also started using Camera+ {currently on sale for 99c}. This allows lots of finesse, with plenty of  detailed, sophisticated options {if you'd a bit of a photo-head like me}.

I have to admit, though, next to Instagram, my favourite would be Tadaa.

It has a truly wonderful set of out-there filters and the capacity to part-colour. With this latter function, an eraser really helps to fine-tune the parts of the image you select. There's also blurring and framing options. And it's free.

Right now, the options seem endless in terms of creating stunning imagery. My heart is hopping around like a flea at all the prospects . . . including designing my very own heirloom publications. Now - how am I going to find the time to do all this???

{footnote: many of these images were taken with my Digital SLR and have been transferred to my iPhone for manipulation}

1 comment:

  1. OMG, i'm getting one too. My husband is keen to get either a cheap iPhone 4 or the new iPhone 5, and i'll inherit his old one or get the new one, i'm not fussed & terrified to have such expensive equipment in such a tiny parcel, but the photos, hello, i will love it too. You go girl, these images look AWESOME. Love Posie


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