Sunday 30 September 2012


Bandung, Java, 1996

To my gorgeous peeps -

Tomorrow I'm taking a three month sabbatical to . . . write. Those of you who know me well {or perhaps know me not too well} understand I tend to do a lot of writing - writing, writing, writing - and many other things related to writing, for many different people - here there and everywhere.

Now is the time to write in one spot. For me.

I've been busier than ever this year, and it's been an intensely rewarding nine months, with two new publications, the completion of four new books (out 2013) and several new titles on the go. But now it's time to focus. This 'sabbatical' is so important to me, it's something I hope to introduce each and every year.

Yes, I'll still post on my blog and my pre-scheduled posts will appear on Kids Book Review and Kids' Book Capers for many months to come. I'll also be indulging in Fat Mum Slim's Photoaday challenge for October because I'm utterly obsessed with Instagram. . . but for the most part, I'm heading off to my garret, and there I will be penning the stuff I've wanted to pen for a very long time.

And lo - this is good.

This three month period is something I've been planning and working hard for. I'll be re-drafting and reconceptualising but I'll also be leaving some time vacant for unexpected stories to fall headlong into. I may even go for a walk in the sunshine and move this stagnant behind.

I'm very, very excited about it. And at the end of December, I'll be celebrating this three month dedication by travelling with my family for five weeks.

So, if I seem a little bit quieter than normal, you'll know why. I'll be writing. And I'll be very very happy. Can't wait to show you the results! And I promise I'll eventually report on our travels, too . . .


Are you taking stock? What are you doing to refocus? What's most important to you?

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so fabulous, Taz! I know you'll make the most of it and will get so much from being able to FOCUS! You do so much for everyone, it will be wonderful to spend time on you. :)


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