Thursday 20 September 2012

sunshine and books at Brindabella Book Fair

What a gorgeous sunshiny day it was during Brindabella Business Park's Book Fair - in support of the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation's Biggest Book Fair. Congrats to the lovely Melissa Evans and their team for organising yet another beautiful event.

Local authors Stephanie Owen Reeder, Pauline Deeves and I read to a delightful group of kids from Park daycare, then we set about signing books and chatting with the local work crowd. Such a nice opportunity to talk to people about books {and who needs an excuse to talk about books?}!

New and old books were available for sale and all proceeds went go to the ALNF.

Stephanie Owen Reeder

Koala was out-voted - my Grumpy Wombat book was read to the kids!

Pauline Deeves

Stephanie, me, Pauline

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