Tuesday 9 October 2012

#FMSphotoaday Oct 9


{another fat mum slim fave - my photo, bottom right}


  1. How did you do the black and white pictures highlighting the red? I just love them and have some inspiration to make a yellow one. I also love how you put the instagram pics into a little 9 square. Does instagram let you do this?

    Rebecca - also from the Capital

  2. Hi Rebecca - doesn't it look great? I use the Colour Effects app for colouring - I find it the easiest and most effective one to use. Then I use the Muzy app for the multiple squares thing - it also has lots of other great features, so it's worth getting.

    I've just done a blue one and next is orange - would love to see your yellow one!

  3. http://jackandwilliamduncan.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/instagram.html


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