Saturday 13 October 2012

studio revamp

On Monday, my writing sabbatical will start in earnest, and in preparation for a 'clean start', I had a mega clean out of my sunny little writing studio. It was so much fun to 're-decorate' with little treasures from friends and family that I've been stashing away for so long - and to use some new picture frames, too.

You may see some postcards from friends including one of Caroline Chisholm and some vintage-style Christmas cards because I can't resist that joyful feeling of our impending festive season. If you look carefully, you may also catch a glimpse of the beautiful illustrations Andrew Joyner is doing for my next picture book for the National Library - and my favourite find in ages . . . a bright orange tool box I picked up from a hardware store today - perfect for keeping track of all my books and diaries and cards and bits and pieces.

The next thing I want to do is remove our clunking great treadmill from the other side of the studio and bring in a beautiful, 1930s style rattan settee - and pile it high with pillows that I can recline on and muse over my latest tome.

Do you like the pops of colour? I've so been feeling the need to introduce some brights into my life, and I'm particularly enamoured with orange and yellow right now. I'm loving this little concertina calendar {below} I bought in Tokyo in 2007. Sure, it's outdated, but it you love something, why not have it on display?

I'm loving this new look and feel - and I can't wait for Monday. Here's to new looks and new books!

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