Sunday, 18 December 2011

one week to go . . .

Could it be . . . the palpable scent of Christmas in the air? Most Christmasses spring upon our family like a well-oiled cat, but this year we have taken a slower route to this blissfully festive day. We've been busy around the house, most particularly the garden, and have been taking time out to enjoy the wonderful R&R this season brings.

On Friday, my family will begin arriving for a 5 day sleepfest of goodies and gifts, then will stay on in our house as we four disappear to the mountains of Thredbo for some hiking, horse riding, swimming and . . . resting.

The last couple of weeks have been busy but heavenly, with lots of lovely things happening and even some really wonderful things happening.

Today it's off to the market for cases of mangoes, dumplings, miso, bread and coffee. Also hay and food for the bunnies. Then it's full on school holidays and setting up house and backyard for family with things that twinkle and shine.

How is your Christmas lead-up unfolding? Hope it marshmallowy sweet.


  1. Congratulations to Ella on her award.

    Sound like you're set for a beautiful Christmas, Tania. Hope it's full of fun and happiness and may 2012 be filled with wonderful things and inspiration.

    Dee xx

  2. Congrats to Ella on the award - well done! Love your relaxed approach to Christmas. Have a great week.


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