Monday 21 November 2011

a pop-up christmas

I've had a long time obsession with Robert Sabuda's incredible pop-up books - and last Christmas bought this set of festive pop-up cards for Ella, only to steal the entire tin and hide it away for my own guilty pleasure.

I hauled them out of hiding this week, with every intention of putting them on show - perhaps on the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree . . . but I so worry that every time a card is opened by curious little fingers, the magic tumble of paper within each card will be plucked at insatiably, until - perhaps - a carefully engineered strut is pinged like a broken guitar string.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Beautiful things are meant to be careworn . . . but I must admit, I'm still really nervous about losing the snowy-whiteness, the crisp perfection . . . should I do it? or should I squirrel them away for one more year, until the kids are just that teensy bit older?

What would you do?

Do you hide away the precious stuff or haul it out and make it a living, everyday part of your life?

1 comment:

  1. I will admit that I would put them on display up high and not put them at child level til I knew they were safe.. Although I want my children to appreciate pretty things etc I dont want to risk my truly special stuff.


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