Sunday 20 November 2011

you know christmas is coming when . . .

santa lists are ready to take flight; iceberg roses are flooding from their stems

little boys are writing up lists, invitations and party games

lanterns and lights of all shapes and sizes begin appearing

kids get busy with the christmas cards for the class

the sky is extra high, hot and blue

you finally decide your colour theme for this year is red, white and aqua blue

new, shiny leaves appear on indoor plants

christmas stamps beg to be stuck

ropes of light begin coiling around upright surfaces

hydrangeas are ripe

cookbooks toting promising christmas fare line up like soldiers in the kitchen

hats tumble about on the washing machine

children laze in hammocks and read - or just smile

1 comment:

  1. It is looking very festive at your home! I LOVE your Christmas cards.


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