Monday 16 July 2012

a literary lunch

a very wordy bunch of word-lovers - me, Dee and Claire

There's nothing like a sweet little literary lunch to get your creative juices flowing. I came away warm, happy and inspired after a lunch at the National Gallery with the lovely Claire Saxby and my dear writerly friend Dee White, today. We talked shop shop shop and I loved every minute of it.

One of the joys of the children's literature world is the phenomenal people you get to meet, work with, and get to know. It's the most wonderful feeling having people genuinely interested in your work - and at the same time, holding genuine interest in theirs. Indeed, it's as much a thrill to hear about their projects and feel that same buzzing excitement your feel for your own work.

Claire was in town researching her next (amazing) picture book idea, and Dee is in town for her son's work experience, and to spend the week working on her latest YA novels. I am standing by, most patiently, to read and enjoy the new work of both these talented peeps.

Thanks for a wonderful lunch, gals!


  1. Lovely post, Tania,

    And it was so inspiring to catch up with you.

    You and Claire are featured in tomorrow's post at my blog:)

    Happy writing:)


  2. It was a very enjoyable literary lunch! Hope to do it again soon.


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