Sunday 15 July 2012

paper chains

My three absolute favourite party decorations are helium balloons, bunting and . . . paper chains.

They're just so easy, so cost-effective and so utterly gorgeous, especially en masse. This year, for Ella's 12th birthday party, I'm going to be using these pink paper chains in a little bit of an unusual way - so stay tuned for that.

I use the quick and easy attachment option - a stapler, but you could also use glue or tape (more laborious). I also use the quick and easy guillotine to cut the paper, but you could use decorative scissors to give a lovely edge, if you don't have many to make.

I use regular paper but if you want something longer lasting, just use card. Metallic and ridged cards also look fabulous.

You can see in these photos some paper rolled into cones - I can't wait to show you what I'm doing with these, too. More soon!


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