Wednesday 26 September 2012

daily decisions

I recently decided to exercise every day. And I'm doing it.

Trust me when I say this is like climbing Mount Everest. Being a writer and book reviewer and photography obsessive, I LIKE spending time on my butt - penning things, reviewing things, sorting through imagery.

But recently, I did the old 'saw a photo of me' thing and although I knew I was well out of shape, it all kind of got cemented. Hard.

I don't need rock-hard abs. I don't need steel-cut thighs. What I do need is a greater sense of wellbeing, energy and positivity. Sitting in the dark on my butt all day does not for an energetic, vibrant person make. It makes for a flobby, crabby, pale and reluctant human being who is courting stiffness and old age and disease well before her time.

So, along with the glories of Spring {and also because so many other people are doing it, have you noticed!?} I've decided the only way to gain the willpower I've been waiting for is to just DO IT.

My great love is yoga but my body responds best to aerobics and weight-training - always has. So I've fired up Foxtel and recorded a whole slew of workouts, which I'm performing each and every morning.

And I must say, I'm loving it. It might be tough to get into my workout gear, but once I'm into it, the time flies and I - gasp - have fun! Immediately, there's more oxygen to the brain, there's a deep feeling of strength and flexibility - and best of all - my mood improves.

I absolutely know that exercise is a gift to ourselves, in so many ways - why wait any longer to hand ourselves this precious gift? It's just, quite simply, something we have to make time for.

Find what it is you love to do - even if it's a moderate walk in the sunshine or a series of 10-minute stretches. Like me, you may not hanker for abs of steel, but if you do hanker for 'life' - this is your tonic.

What kind of exercise are you more likely to stick with?


  1. Oh good on you! What exercises are you recording off Foxtel? I might have to take a look! xxx

  2. Oh good on you gorgeous! What exercises are you recording off Foxtel? I might have to have a look.


  3. They're on Disc Health at 7am and 7.30am every morning. Join me!

  4. I want to continue running & spin classes, just the most efficient way to burn calories & let's face it, runners always look so fit & slim!! Love Posie

  5. I want to continue running & spin classes, just the most efficient way to burn calories & let's face it, runners always look so fit & slim!! Love Posie

  6. You should have a go at zumba too. Heaps of fun, and great for both aerobic and strength exercise :)


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