Thursday 27 September 2012

OMG - I'm a barcode

I've always had this kooky prediction that one day we won't need cards, cheque books, cash or any other monetary system. Eventually, we'll just need a reader pointed at our barcode-embedded foreheads.

That prediction seems to be inching closer and closer. Today I made my own barcode. I've been price-tagged.

All you need to do is download the scan app on iTunes and then create your own barcode at

Just don't sell yourself too cheaply. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hello, love it, so cool & thanks so much for the tip on creating one of these. I'm Posie Scans, tee hee. I've scanned you, locked & loaded. With our new iPhones we're going to take over . . . ourselves?? Love Posie


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