FLORA shortlists for ABIA

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

FLORA has shortlisted for Australian Book Industry Awards... absolutely over the moon!

ABDA longlist for FLORA!

Australian Book Designers Awards longlist for Flora—I’m bloomin’ delighted! 
Thank you, ABDA.

notable book - FLORA!

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Thrilled to see FLORA: Australia’s Most Curious Plants among CBCA Notable Books for 2025–thank you, CBCA!

Takes a village, so huge thanks to publisher Lauren Smith.books, Madeleine Warburton and Amelia Hartney at the National Library of Australia. And to artsACT (the ACT Government) for the grant that helped craft FLORA.

Congrats to my fellow longlistees for your gorgeous creations and all the hard work you have put in. And commiserations to those who missed out this year. I see you and all your hard work and passion.

procreate illustration workshop

Sunday, 23 February 2025

SAVE THE DATE! Thursday 31 July, 12pm - 1.30pm

I’m delighted to be presenting an online Procreate event for The Cardboard Box Illustrators in July.

You’ll learn all about my picture book creation process—including roughs and finished art. Learn how to work with Procreate or improve your existing skills or just come along for a behind-the-scenes ride!

For all the deets, head to: cardboardboxillustrators.com.au/event/tania-mccartney

reconnecting with slow

Friday, 10 January 2025

I haven’t picked up a paintbrush for five years. 

Most of us dream of being inundated with work, and it feels amazing for a while … but too many ceaseless years of too much—we become chrysalis-like. The shell. After the butterfly has flown.
I’m grateful for the work I’ve had these past 16 years but ‘too much’ is ruinous and total burnout is real. Not only that… mid-2024, I lost all passion for my work; the work I’d dreamt of as a child. I not only lost the love, I actively detested it. It was confusing, confronting and devastating. I needed a complete reset, and since May last year, I’ve been working through that reset (I’ve still a long way to go).
One bright spot has been my desire to pick up a paintbrush and dip and smear colour on a slip of virgin Arches paper. I was inspired by the little treasures I pluck on my walks and although I don’t think this image is phenomenal, it’s a reconnect. It’s a hint of happy but more than that, creating it was calming, restorative and a joy.

Then, as I painted, I realised that I miss writing. Since taking on illustration around 2016, my writing has waned, and I feel suddenly desperate to take up the pen again. 
On my last school visit, a young girl asked me what I liked better ‘illustrating or writing’. 
I had to ponder awhile.
Eventually I said illustrating is the most fun, the most colourful and pretty and instantly rewarding, but – and I thumped my chest – ‘writing has my heart’. Tears came to my eyes and I was horrified. We looked at each other. I didn’t know what to add, so I just said ‘does that make sense?’ and she nodded and said ‘it does’. And I truly believe she knew.

We’re complex beings and what we fill out lives with are the ingredients for a life well-lived and -loved. Too much of anything is woeful, but—equally—not enough of some things is pure pathos. Particularly sparks. We so need sparks.
It’s lovely to feel a wee spark. After five years of illustrating digitally (boundless, fast), I’ve realised that boundless and fast are tricksters. Boundaries are good. So is slow.
Digital life and work is here to stay but taking the time to slow down and check in with our hearts is vital. It’s healing. It’s where the sparks fly.


FLORA Greeting Cards!

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Just delighted to have a set of cards featuring the artwork from FLORA: Australia's Most Curious Plants (National Library Publishing). They are published by Nuovo Group and will be available in stores around Australia from 6 January 2025. 

Featuring Australia's stunning native flora, they are perfect for so many occasions, and come in both greeting card and gift card versions.

FLORA: Australia's Most Curious Plants PUZZLE!

Friday, 22 November 2024


To say I love puzzles is an understatement. IN LOVE might be more apt. It was a life moment to have my Australia Map made into a puzzle, and the World Map, and Birds and Animals puzzles that followed, too. And now - there's Flora.

It all started when my dear friend Jennie said 'you have to make your Flora cover into a puzzle', followed by mentioning this to my divine publisher, Lauren Smith, at the National Library... to Lauren replying with 'let's make it happen'.

Et voila! Overjoyed. It's a 1000-piece creation with beautiful, quality pieces (the box is heavy!) and yes, yes, I'm piecing it together as I type. It's always a surreal thing to see your work morph into treasures like this.

It would make a fantastic Christmas gift, and if you do snaffle a copy, I hope you love it! 

Click the image below for more details and a link to where you can buy.

FLORA in reviews

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Some truly lovely and humbling responses to FLORA since its release - click the image above to read and listen. This picture was taken outside the National Library bookshop in September.

Love Your Bookshop Day - FLORA reading at Bookface Gungahlin

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Gotta love our fabulous bookshops! Join me to celebrate Love Your Bookshop Day at Bookface Gungahlin on Saturday 12 October. It runs all day, but I'll be reading from Flora and Ivy Bird at 10am - so do pop by!

Event by BOOK FACE Gungahlin
The Marketplace, 33 Hibberson St, Gungahlin

Join us for Love Your Bookshop Day! 

Come dressed up in book theme to receive a free gift on the day (while stocks last)

Meet some local artists selling their wares in store, as well as some local authors who will be signing their books.

Stay for storytime with Tania McCartney at 10am as she reads some of her picture books and takes kids through her new release -FLORA.

FLORA at Floriade!

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

I’m thrilled to be hosting a special event at Floriade at 10am on Sunday 6 October - featuring FLORA: Australia’s Most Curious Plants.

There will be a book reading/chat - and I’ll be asking kids lots of questions to test their botanical knowledge!

There’ll also be activity sheets, some dried flowers, leaves and pods to pick apart and explore, and I’ll guide kids through a series of wildflower drawings.

Hope you can come along! Click the post above for the deets.

See you there!

FLORA book launch!

Tuesday, 30 July 2024


Save the date! I'm delighted to be hosting a FLORA launch at the National Library on the morning of Sunday 22 September. 

There will be a book reading and signing, a lucky door prize that includes a limited edition FLORA print, some fabulous FLORA activities, including making your own wildflowers, and your very own wildflower seed packets!

Click the poster above to reserve your spot! And stay tuned for more on a Floriade event on Sunday 6 October.

FLORA puzzles while you wait...

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Flora: Australia's Most Curious Plants is just a couple of months away (1 October) and while you wait, why not put together the cover in this online puzzle? And if you're super keen for an internals peek, put together this full spread in the second puzzle!


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