Wednesday, 30 November 2011

christmas wreaths - fringed paper

Okay - this is my absolute favourite from our wreath-creation marathon on the weekend. Ella was looking for a new idea to finish off this smaller wreath form, and she came up with the concept of cutting strips, fringing them with scissors and gluing around the form.

You'll need a foam wreath form, paper or thin card in your desired colours, a hot glue gun, iced water for potential burns, and ribbon for hanging.

Attach the ribbon to the form first, holding it up to test the hang, and adjusting its anchor point if need be.

Measure from the outside of your wreath to the inside and cut strips of paper to this length. Fringe the strips with scissors - you can either make the fringing fine or thick, but no more than 1cm wide, depending on the size of your wreath form - and make sure you leave at least half a centimetre at the base of the fringing, so you can glue it to the form. Fold each fringed piece as shown.

Begin gluing around the form, overlapping as you go.

How utterly whimsical and über modern country is this? I LOVE it! Well done, Ella Bella.

See also:
book page wreath
looped white card wreath
tissue paper wreath
hula hoop greenery wreath
pompom wreath
gingerbread men wreath


  1. OMG i love this & have some fantastic red & white spotty bag which are glossy but they tear down the sides easily so this is just the project to use them up on. EXCITED!! Inspired!!
    Only i might use those wavy scissors or pinking shears, any excuse to whip them out. The children cut do the cutting while i rest my precious hands, love Posie

  2. oh you are being crafty of late aren't you! I HAVE NO TIME! I have not even ventured into the basement to LOOK at one single tub of Christmas anything! (So sad!!)



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