welcome spring - and a new zest for life

Monday 29 August 2011

Okay. I've hibernated long enough. I have a thick layer of extra padding on my writerly behind, and I'm sick and tired of feeling tired. Now is the time.

The trees are heralding spring in the teensy pods dotting every branch - some of them bursting into florally blossoms, some of them unfurling with leaf. I want to join them.

But one step at a time.

Today it's beets. That's right. Beets.

You have not - ever never - tried a beet until you've tried your own, harvested from the garden and roasted until sweet and purple. There is little more divine - and not an added extra of anything except the good promise of mother nature.

Today, in lieu of our own beets, which I hope to harvest in the coming months (we have to plant them!) I bought some robust beets at the market. They are never as good as homegrown, but they are still good.

Trim the stalks and any long tips off and rinse under cold water to remove clumps of dirt. Pay dry and wrap each beet in aluminium foil. Stand together in a pan and roast at 180 degrees Celsius for an hour. Remove and cool in foil.

Unwrap and carefully remove skins from beets with foil then a paper towel. Cut into chunks of slices, scatter with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper, and drizzle with olive oil. Delicious in salads.

Store in an airtight container in the fridge and consume within 4 or 5 days - if they last that long. You just won't get over that earthy, berry-red sweetness... incredibly healthful and divinely tempting.

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