Hey ho, everyone. Grab a cuppa. This is long.
Checking in after a long blog hiatus, where the only real option has been to find centre, breathe and invite a deep sense of calm in the chaos.
The world has shaken us to our core of late, non? It seems we're experiencing a bizarre state of grief, shock, confusion, rage and despair. It's raining realisation and revolution; much of it long, long, long overdue, and absolutely, completely a flood of Everything. Our planet and our people are saying Enough.
And seriously, are we STILL dealing with racism and inequality - we have come so far as a species; why do we never learn?? I'm both gut-wrenched and hopeful with the way of the world right now. Have always believed old orders have to be torn down to invite in the new - and hopefully a more insightful, compassionate and equitable way of life.
I hope you're doing okay and are keeping safe, well and centred. Are you finding ways to seek calm and comfort? It's so important. Yes, we need to fight, but we also need to keep one glove up so we don't take a fall and are rendered useless. We are no good in a useless state. That's when the vultures swoop.
I'm hoping this post brings you some comfort and any kind of uplift. It will be kind of random - a little bit of news, some sharing, some happenings, some links and bits and bobs you might find warm. It's cold here in Canberra, of course, so I'm all for a little warmth right now (am sitting on my lovely sheepskin throw as I type!).
Before I get to some updates and news, some inspiration! Let's start with some pretty pictures on Instagram - some new illustrator finds I adore. Click the image to go to each account.
Rosanna Tasker
Carolina Parada
Nasim Norouzi
Kaja K
Eve Farb
On pretty stuff, are you after some cute cut-outs for the kids? Check out these beautiful creations on Laura Bunting's instagram. Click above to go there.

I'm part of a Facebook group called The Golden Age of Illustration (as a lurker mostly). Love love love the incredible images that pop up, and learning about illustrators I'd never heard of. Check out this recent image, above - a tad Covid-appropriate!

I've bought some new picture books and will post on those soon (check my Instagram for book videos) but just had to share that I finally bought this stunning book by Pip Williams... The Dictionary of Lost Words. I was advised to take it slow in order to absorb the beautiful language used, and I am absolutely taking my time. It's beyond luscious and each night, I retire early to do my librocubicularist thing, and immerse in Esme's world.
I've long bypassed adult fiction (in favour of non-fiction) because I get frustrated with any lack of wordly beauty in favour of story. I need beautiful language when I read this genre. I just do. Even the best stories quickly lose me if the language isn't exquisite and lyrical (which is why I struggled with the Harry Potter series so much, though a footnote: I did enjoy the series in the end).
Anyway, happy to report that this book is proving every bit as stunning as I thought it might be.

Love love this meme I stumbled upon recently, and can totally relate to numbers 4 through 8. I actually hit major burnout a little while ago and am still snatching at shreds of the energy I once had. People have always asked me how I do so much, and truly, I look back in wonder because I'd like to know, too!
Getting there.
My April/May sabbatical didn't happen and I'm already working on a new contract (more below) but I have built extra time in my day to do Other Things, and it's really helped ease the physical pain/exhaustion and immense brain strain (aging sucks!). My frozen shoulders are a lot better and I'm even back doing yoga. Oh that downward dog is a game-changer - it really does loosen the body and fire up the brain.
So, the Other Things I've been doing include emptying our house and chucking so much stuff, I'm surprised we're not sitting on a mattress on the floor to watch tele. I do it really fast so I don't get a chance to 'could/maybe/should' stuff. It's been immensely freeing, and there's more to come. Yes, even picture books have been plucked and stored to go to the CBCA ACT's Christmas Book Appeal - books I can't even bear to part with but I know it's time. They're in a cupboard and I dare not peek inside lest I scoop them up to restock my groaning shelves.
I've also been doing lots of Procreate classes for an upcoming book, and as my annual subscription to Masterclass ends this October, I've been catching up on a heap of fabulous classes including Ru Paul's Self-Expression and Authenticity, Neil Gaiman's The Art of Storytelling, Anna Wintour on Creativity and Leadership, Margaret Atwood's Creative Writing, Bobbi Brown on Makeup and Beauty, Judy Blume on Writing, Steve Martin on Comedy, Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein on Advertising and Creativity, David Sedaris on Storytelling and Humour, Diane Von Fursternberg on Building a Fashion Brand, Ron Finley on Gardening, David Lynch on Creativity and Film, Frank Gehry on Design and Architecture, RL Stine on Writing for Young Audiences, Neil deGrasse Tyson on Scientific Thinking and Communication, James Patterson on Writing, and my favourite of all - Interior Design with Kelly Wearstler (above).
Kelly blew my socks off. Not only is she a total fashionista, she is incredibly warm and down to earth. Her work is to die for, of course, but I particularly loved her approach to her work and creativity, how uncompromising she is, and how she never sells her soul - only does what she loves. And it shows.
It's so interesting that much of the inspiration and lesson-learning for me has occured with classes outside my wheelhouse - the writers I've listened to have indeed been good to great, but it's the non-writerly people I've mentioned who have truly opened my eyes and left me breathlessly inspired. Interesting, non?

Some of you may know I've been working on a Missoni-inspired blanket for a while now. It took forever as the hook was small. I finally finished - and here are two scarves I just made with yarn I've wanted to use up. The raspberry one is a soft, variegated 12 ply yarn using an 8mm hook. It worked up in no time. The greyish one is a beautiful off-white cotton with a thin black thread running through it - and I made this in triple crochet stitch so it's light and airy. It's super long so I can wrap and wrap and wrap.
During covid, I've also been revisiting my wardrobe and it's been beyond happy-making. Revisiting figuratively and literally ... I now have a wardrobe (one of several!) where I can actually clearly see what's in there. It was a shock to find so many pieces I'd completely forgotten about. I've also got colour-brave of late and am having so much fun with it. What took me so long?? What have I been afraid of?
I don't know if you're a clothes shopper, but I've long collected clothing, shoes, bags, jewellery, and have felt a level of low-grade guilt over the years. I think because the general consensus is that it's indulgent. It's okay for people to collect books, stuffed animals, mismatched chinaware, kooky erasers - but clothing and shoes seem to ruffle the skirt feathers of those who, ironically, wouldn't be caught dead wearing a feathered skirt {footnote: I would}.
Maybe it's middle age, but I no longer give a shit. I'm over it. I'm over the {possibly self-imposed} shame. It's my thing, it's my great love next to books, and I'm owning it. In fact, although I've had nowhere to wear them (!), I've been indulging in some divine new purchases - playing dress-ups in my living room like a little girl ... mixing and matching old with new to create new ensembles, like a mad designer locked in her Parisian atelier (I wish). To give you an idea of my obsession, every single night, when I lay me down to sleep, my drifting-off thoughts are on clothing combinations.
Ah, the secret things we do!
My fashion passion is shared by my publisher Lisa Berryman, and we regularly message each other links to articles and subscriptions and photos and all manner of dazzling sartorial pleasure. Isn't it interesting what goes on behind the scenes of our lives? Please tell me you have some secrets.
Back to books (okay, I also collect them).
Did you know that Spot is celebrating 40 years this year? Click on the poster above for some super cute activities.
Have you seen the Apple TV short for Oliver Jeffers' exquisite book Here We Are? Dedicated to his son, I think it's his best book by far (and really looking forward to his upcoming book - What We'll Build - dedicated to his daughter).
The film is divinely beautiful - the visuals are incredible and the messaging overall is glorious, but the level of twee is out of this world ('scuse the pun) and had me too frequently doubled over with cringe. I've followed Oliver for a decade or more (he's a Belfast lad, just like my husband) and I can't imagine he would have swooned over this tooth-grating level of twee.
Anyway, it's still a lovely short, it really is - and what a thrill for him to see his book represented in this way. It's worth a look, but, as always - in the end - the book is better than the film.
Oooh - and did you see Oliver's TED talk? It's called An Ode to Living on Earth and it's fabulous - and funny! Nothing like that Belfast humour. Click the image above to view.

As with each year, I'm happy to sink my feet into autumn. And as with every year of late, our garden has been totally whackadoodle. Our luscious red, orange, gold seasonal foliage stopped three or four years ago, and now most leaves just dry up, turn brown and stick to the tree, not even falling. Barely any reds or oranges anymore - just these sickly yellow flags on the grass recently, like a giant had come along, picked up the tree, given it one good downward shake, and voilà - a dumping of yellow.

And don't even start me on our iceberg roses. Look. Just look at them. What the? What is this? A spider flower? Our white icerbergs have been blushing faint pink for at least three or four years, but this transformation, with stringy leaves and strangly blossoms - I just stood there and stared forever, before gently snipping some, to photograph the evidence.
No. There's no climate change. {insert eye roll emoji}
Right. Now, onto work.

Evie and Pog Party Perfect was released in May and it's had some great coverage and a wonderful reaction from kids. It's been lovely to turn the key in my postbox lock to find official E+P fanmail inside! Thank you to the lovely kids who have sent this.

My Australia Map Puzzle has become a bestseller thanks to Covid, which is quite the dubious honour. Nevertheless, what a complete joy to see the resurgence of jigsaw puzzles - I've long adored them. They're just so meditative and calming and an extra bonus that they end in a pretty picture. I have my eye on several Charley Harper puzzles. Big problem, though, as I can't decide which one. Leaning towards the 1000-piece bird one with the navy background.
On puzzles, I'm delighted to announce that I have three more puzzles out this winters/spring (2020) with Hardie Grant Travel.
The World Map Puzzle is out 1 September and includes a booklet on the box cover, just like the Australia Map Puzzle did.
Animals of Australia Puzzle is out 5 August, and is a celebration of our unique wildlife, in a divine Uluru orange.
Birds of Australia Puzzle is also out 5 August, and is a celebration of our unique birdlife.
All these puzzles are 252-pieces, which is a great size for kids. Given the current puzzle craze, these will likely sell fast - you can pre-order each one by clicking its image.

I sent in the files for an upcoming book called AlphaKid - an A - Z of Antics. LOVE alphabet books and it's a huge bucketlist tick to have one on the way. Here is a slice of the cover. It's due November (Windy Hollow Books) and I'll post some more peeks as the months pass. This book is as much for adults as it is for kids!

In October, Stephanie Owen Reeder and I have a book out with the National Library called Australia's Wild, Weird, Wonderful Weather. Can't wait to show you the cover! Hopefully soon. Stephanie wrote and I illustrated, and it was fab to work with a dear friend. Here's an illustration peek at a displaced horse (yes, weather was involved!).

And I think I've mentioned September will see the release of Meet Matilda at the Festival (Penguin), illustrated by me and written by local gal Jacqueline de Rose-Ahern. It's part of the sensational new Aussie Kids series.
As for what's coming up - I've just started work on a mammoth book for Hardie Grant Travel on animals. Kids will travel the globe to discover the many and incredible creatures that live in specific regions of the world. It's a ginormous project - 104 pages! - and I'll also be illustrating, though this time I'll have a sensational book designer to help me get through it all. Look out for peeks towards the end of the year.
I'm also illustrating a gorgeous little picture book for author Emma Bowd, with Windy Hollow. This will be watercolour, which I haven't worked in for far too long.
Next year will be some more work for Hardie Grant Travel and HarperCollins, which I'm very excited about. Will reveal more as it unfolds.
And now for some news - forgive me if I've already talked of these - it's been a while since I posted!
I was overjoyed to see Fauna shortlist for the Wilderness Society’s Environment Award for Children’s Literature. It really meant the world to me. Winners will be announced in September, and on 23 July I'll be interviewed on the Wilderness Society's Facebook page (along with other shortlistees) which will be great fun.
Click image above for the entire shortlist, and you can watch the shortlist announcement in all categories right here. The lovely Rove McManus announced non-fiction!
Fauna was also longlisted in the prestigious World Illustration Awards for Children's Books, Australia/New Zealand, which was beyond exciting. The shortlist will be announced this month. If you click the image above, you can read my ethos behind the book.

Fauna was also longlisted in the Australian Book Design Awards for children's non-fiction - such a beautiful nod. See the shortlist here.

I'm still anxiously awaiting Evie and Pog audio copies - hopefully will be with me next week. If you want to hear a sample, head here. And you can buy your own copy right here.
Now, let's talk about videos. Has there been an influx of late or what!?
I've recorded more videos in the past three months than I have my entire life long - it's been bananas, but has been such a great way to connect with bookish initiatives. Here are some of them...
Australia Reads At Home
I Heart the World peek. Watch online by clicking the image above.
CBCA Lunchtime Storytime
Organised by the CBCA NSW branch, this fabulous initiative is still running! You can see all the videos right here, featuring a mass of creative talent. Live videos are so difficult - the visual quality was terrible and I was cut off at the end, so I have a condensed version with much better visual quality on my YouTube channel. Do note that I had to cut down the Mamie reading as it will expire at the end of the month. Click here to see it. Or click the image above to see the original version on Facebook until it's taken down on 30 June.
Harry Hartog Live Storytime
It was a delight to read Evie and Pog, Mamie, Ivy Bird and Smile Cry for Harry Hartog, along with some special guest dolls. Video will expire 30 June 2020. Click above to view.
National Simultaneous Storytime
Held each May, NSS is a nationwide (and increasingly global!) initiative by ALIA - where thousands of kids partake in reading the same story at the same time - this year the fab Whitney and Britney, Chicken Divas by Lucinda Gifford. I had a hoot reading this book! Click above to view and see the other authors who read on behalf of LibrariesACT.
I've been adding more to my YouTube channel - here are some of the latest... Click on each image to view.
My YouTube channel - Picture Book Creation
My YouTube channel - Wordless Picture Books and the Power of Visual Literacy
My YouTube channel - Books on nature - inspiration and a peek at my collection
Book Reveals
Check out my Instagram feed for videos of book reveals - recent purchases and temptations from my extensive book collection. Click the image above to view. More books on the way!
Evie and Pog Paper Dolls
Another little video - my Evie and Pog paper dolls in action! Click here to download and print your own.
Kids' Book Review has a new Instagram feed! Check it out by clicking the image above, and give us a follow. KBR is your true kidlit fix.
Not sure if you're a The Happy Book podcast subscriber, but a reminder that I recorded two very special #StayHomeForLove chapters, where I answered a bunch of questions. If you haven't listened to them, click the image above for more.
What else? Oh yes - I want this floor ...
And I REALLY want a print of this image by Marc Martin. But I'm not allowed because he did it for Readings and one of their catalogues. Sigh.
I know there's more I wanted to tell you but methinks this has already been 10 cuppas' worth! So time to stop. These past months have been bizarre in that I feel I've been non-stop yet have got nothing done. Does that make sense? I guess it's testament to how we value our work, our productivity, our actions through the eyes of others and through association with our community. Although most of us have still connected online, it's just not quite the same as real life, is it? I'm hoping to step outside my door sometime very soon to make real life feel Real again.
Please take good care. As always, sending my love and hoping you're creating in some way, shape or form.
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