lemon tree, o lemon tree

Monday 4 October 2010

This is what our beautiful lemon tree has been doing (above). Struggling. It's been doing so since we moved into the house 18 months ago - and no matter what we tried... no response. We tried it all.

So, out of desperation, we finally decided to take the drastic, Peter-Cundall-inspired (he's a bit clever in the garden) route and go for the serious, therapeutic cut-back. This is what happened...

Essentially, you go a bit ballastic and get rid of, like, everything. I nearly cried doing it, but Husband called out warm encouragement from the vegie patch, and suddenly it was over. Our little stick tree.

It's been a few weeks now. The peach, apple and nashi pear trees nearby have all blossomed and leafed up beautifully but our little lemon is still bereft. Completely unchanged from this photo.

I think I'm ok. I'm a little worried, sure, but I'm also hopeful. It's like a kid with a really bad haircut, sitting around forlornly. But it's still early days - the frosty mornings have only just disappeared here in Canberra, so I'm hoping against hope our lemony tee rallies and starts sprouting green.

Watch this space.

And stay tuned for a before and after vegie patch!


Megan Blandford said...

Yet another reason we need to live closer to each other! We recently got over 100 lemons from our tree - in one picking! (It's a very old tree, though)

Tania McCartney said...

I'm not lemon. I'm greeeeeeen!!!!

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Oh did you see my last post on my children picking lemons from my childhood lemon tree at my parent's place. Anything Peter recommends would be gold, or lemon, tee hee. He's the king. Hang in there, it's only just Spring. Love the bad hair cut analogy, he he he, love Posie

Green Mama said...

You know what you need to do Tania... Or get your husband to if you're too shy!

Tania McCartney said...

Green Mama - yes, we tried that, too! But no joy. Am wondering if it's just in the wrong wrong spot but all seems good - lots of sun, shelter (maybe too much shelter??), well-drained soil. Heard on the radio this morning something about lime???

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