pencil ring

Thursday, 10 May 2012

We are stashing away every spare penny for our big trip at the end of the year, so I'm just not spending a cent right now, but I could NOT resist this ultra adorable pencil ring I first spotted on my new favourite blog WishWishWish. My goodness, this girl is destined to be an It Girl, if ever I did see one.

I hopped online and found the ring was sold out everywhere, but I just said to the Universe - 'listen Universe, this ring was MADE for me; you have to understand that it is making my heart thunder in my chest and that I really don't want anything else; please let me have one'.

Two cyber seconds later, I found one at Hello Polly - an Aussie site, too, so it arrived super quick. I so appreciate Hello Polly. This is the kind of site that not only stocks STUNNING and unique wares, it supports independent artists, provides mega-good service and makes it all so pretty. Look how my ring arrived . . . there was even a handwrittten postcard thanking me for my order.

Very clever, smart, talented people. Shopping bliss.


posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Mega good service, why Tania, such an endorsement!! You use good words. That is so sweet & the packaging too, so you!! Every author must have a pencil ring, love Posie

Unknown said...

OK I want one too- always on the look out for the unusual and this will go so nicely with my typewriter key earrings the kids got m e for Xmas.

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