Eco Warriors Book Launch Wrap-Up!

Saturday 5 October 2013

Jake and Riley - the calm before the launch

What a glorious launch at Canberra's National Arboretum today--celebrating the release of Eco Warriors to the Rescue! Held in the stunning Village Centre, with that rather breathtaking backdrop behind us, we welcomed kids and adults, had a book reading and signing, and chatted with the gorgeous guests. I just love meeting new kids, in particular.

introduced by Arboretum concierge Michael

After a lovely introduction, we got to the reading. Riley and Claire read their own parts from the book, and Riley's friend Jake stood in for Andrew, who was away.

Introducing two stars from the book - Riley (Ned) and Claire (Matilda)

The kids about to read - Riley's friend Jake stood in for Andrew (Ned), who was away

The Reading

The Reading

The Reading

The Reading

It was then time to schmooze and meeting up with old friends--and of course, meet  loads of fabulous new kids, and big kids, too.

meeting up with Timothy--I signed a Riley book for him 5 years ago!

The Signing
While I signed books, the kids got busy with nature drawings on leaf-shaped paper. They also loved the word searches--a junior one, and an intermediate one.

Life is so crazy busy, it's so nice to spend time chatting with friends I haven't seen in ages!

And of course--make that all-important kid-connection, which I just love love love.

It was so lovely to have dear authorly friend Tracey Hawkins (below) there, as well as divine local talent and gorgeous friend Emma Grey of WorkLifeBliss.

I could resist meeting Benjamin's monkey, George

award-winning artwork? so hard to choose!

My warmest thanks to everyone who came along, and to the National Arboretum, especially Heather Tregoning, for having us. Thank you to Luke from The Plant Web (below) for bringing along those wonderful plants, and to my dear friend Sylvia for her photography. Thanks to Maureen Brooks and Jo Karmel of the National Library, and to Ella, Nicole, Bethany and Georgia for crowd-controlling the goodie bags!

I had such a wonderful time and was so grateful for the beautiful feedback on Eco Warriors. It warms my heart to see children so warmly embrace the importance of our native flora. I feel so confident we are leaving its future in great hands.

Georgia, Nicole, Ella and Bethany - Goodie Bag + Balloon Control

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