
Sunday 22 March 2020

This morning, I went to Nara Peace Park on Lake Burley Griffin to do some tai chi and drink in the fresh air and connect with nature, albeit smack bang in the middle of this small city.

And as I moved, I looked up and I saw these branches reaching for each other in solidarity, and I wept. Because I felt so deeply frustrated and heartbroken over what we've done to this planet. And how we've chosen to elect the most self-serving, unrelentingly clueless people into power.

Then I saw this meme, above, and it perfectly explains why I wept.

For those empaths really struggling right now, I wanted to send you my love. Let's continue to be present, kind and thoughtful. Let's open our hearts to others. Let's reach out. Let's be mindful and generous and take only what we need, in all senses of the word.

In the last week, I have received and made more phone calls and had more beautiful messages from strangers than I've had in a year or more. I've witnessed more acts of selflessness and love and community than I have in a decade.

And there's ever a way to take hope, even in dire situations. Have you noticed a real spike in creative energy? My daughter, nearly 20... I caught her drawing in her room this morning. Drawing. She hasn't done that for years. She had created the most stunning meditative pattern and I could almost sense her nervous system quietening. And just now she's come into my studio to ask for coloured pencils. Just, wow.

Let's continue this #kindnesspandemic. We are The Arts. We are creativity and passion and beauty and compassion. Let's spread all of these things because they're mighty powerful.


P.S. if you want to immerse in some book reviews, I'm doing a little series of videos on Instagram. I hope it cheers you.

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