australian story event at Three Four Knock on the Door, Melbourne

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The thing about book events, is that they're a heck of a lot of fun. Toss a brilliant venue with totally impassioned owners, family, great friends old and new, fabulous goodies to nibble and a gaggle of gorgeous kids into the mix - and, well . . . you end up with one of those Memorable Days that will last and last and last - so much so, you eternally draw delight from it.

If you're not convinced this Australian Story event at Three Four Knock on the Door in Melbourne last weekend was a superlative event, just take one look at these glitter-embellished crocs, koalas and wombats by L-J Lacey, and I know you'll be converted. The fabulous L-J and her equally fabulous sister Danielle run this amazing Port Melbourne store with supreme dedication and passion, making it one of those places that are not only filled with beautiful books and produce for kids, but one of those places that have an ambiance that's hard to beat.

Yes, it's hard to walk out of that store without bursting shopping bags, but it's also just a lovely place to BE - and Be we did at his amazing event. By 11am, the store was packed with book-hungry families, keen for a slice of our Australian Story.

After an ogle at this incredible map created by the girls, based on entries from Australian Story (I SO want that for my house!), L-J got busy handing out colouring shapes for the kids.

L-J with adorable daughter Lija

I was so chuffed to welcome some author friends to this event, too, including author/illustrator and funny man Adam Wallace, who is one of those guys kids just adhere themselves to. L-J's daughters Lilu and Lija were enthralled by his presence (as we all are!).

L-J's daughter Lilu - totally enamoured by Adam Wallace

L-J is kid-swamped

NYR12 has a strong presence everywhere I go - it's like my third child - and of course, Three Four Knock on the Door is also a partner of this wonderful literacy initiative

Adam Wallace gets busy with it

part of MY Australian Story - Ella and Riley


After refreshments and colouring fun, it was story time . . .

The kids were such great sports, joining in by holding props from specific moments in time. This little girl (above) was happy to be handcuffed, while this little boy (below) happily nibbled lamingtons he'd purchased with part of his massive lump of goldrush gold.

And of course - who can forget Ronald McDonald? - oops - I mean, Julia Gillard...

After the reading, it was just so lovely to catch up with Melbourne friends, and hang out with two of my favourite authors ever - Bernadette Kelly and my writing buddy Dee White (below).

Then it was time for some serious signing . . .

catching up with a fabulous Beijing friend

yes, Riley is asking me if he can buy something from the store

Kids also had the opportunity to add their birth or special moments in time to the timeline L-J and Danielle had installed on the wall. Talk about creative. {Also very nice of them to get my birth year wrong - in the RIGHT direction on that timeline!}

Dee and I having a giggle

one of my favourite wee men, ever

This event was also really special because one of my oldest and dearest friends, Dani, was in town from Vietnam - and not only was it a very good thing to be able to squeeze her, it was also a mega coup because Dani is fabulous behind the camera (as these great photos attest - thanks, Dan!).

squeezing Dani

fraternising with the lovely Adam Wallace

Danielle and L-J - these are some gals

My eternal thanks to L-J and Danielle for hosting me for this event - I loved every minute of it - and the warm welcome, the laughs, the amazing details they took care of, smack of pure passion for books. You must check out the upcoming events Three Four Knock on the Door have scheduled - visits from Carole Wilkinson, Sally Rippin and Davide Cali (no less!) are coming soon, and they have a regular (free) story time for littlies. Learn more here.

Three Four Knock on the Door are also a partner for the National Year of Reading, so of course, we had to have some NYR12 shots.

And to finish off this post - here is my horse-mad Ella, ecstatic to meet author Bernadette Kelly, who signed some of her Riding High books (and which Ella subsequently devoured in one night).

What a fantastic day. Thanks to everyone who came along to celebrate a book that means the world to me. I hope Australian Story finds its way to your home soon - it truly is a must-have for all Aussie families, and I'm so proud of this title. You can learn more about it here.

And don't forget to head to the National Year of Reading website for information on how you and the kids can get involved in NYR12. Happy reading!

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