what people are saying about riley and the sleeping dragon

Monday 8 June 2009

You rock! - young boy at St Monica's Primary School, Canberra

I love your book. - young girl at North Ainslie Primary School, Canberra

LOVE YOUR WORK!!! Mighty Fine Idea This!!! - Kieron Pratt, illustrator, Canberra

Thank you so much for sending us your book. My Riley truly loves it. - Joanne M, mum, Australia

You have created a fine piece of children's literature. - Paul J, dad, Beijing

It is such a wonderful read - my 14 year old son Michael now wants to go to China and see all the sights that are pictured in your book. - Laura, mum, Northern Ireland

I want to be an author like her when I am bigger.
Her story was interesting.
I liked the sleeping dragon the most.
- Children at Red Hill Primary School

[McCartney's books] place emphasis on the stylish black and white photos of scenes from life in modern day Beijing and Hong Kong. The [photos] give a human interest rather than a tourist vision of the countries. The illustrations that hold the photos together have an appealing comic style about them, with each story being a sub text that joins with the photos and illustrations to offer a quite satisfying and surprising ending. The books could well begin discussion about the culture of China. - John Cohen, editor and publisher of Reading Time, the Children's Book Council of Australia

The [books] are brilliant! The words are beautiful, the pictures are stunning... I love them! I love that they inspire excitement about travel, which I've never seen another children's book do. My 17 months old loves the pictures and the sound of the words. I stopped reading aloud at a few points, just reading ahead to myself, and she looked at me with annoyance until I started saying the words again. And if my arm happened to cover part of a picture, she'd push it away - she's finding the pictures intriguing! - Megan Blandford, mum and blogger

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