No-sugar, no-wheat, no-dairy, no alcohol - DAY THREE

Monday, 22 February 2010

Day Day Three of my Challenge and I'm not missing my poison... sugar. Sure, I feel like something sweet at 4pm and 8pm but I'm really surprised... the less regined sugar I ingest, the less I feel like eating it. I just have a piece of fruit instead.

In fact, yesterday, I spied a Cadbury's Turkish Delight chocolate Easter egg on the top shelf of the fridge - an escapee from an entire packet I had devoured last week. Instead of my heart leaping out of my chest, my fingers flying across the foil wrapping and devouring it in 2 seconds flat, I simply noticed it and put the milk back in the fridge, covering it up.

Yes, I've thought about that sweet little morsel since, but I haven't been tempted.


So, on Day Three of my Challenge, here are some things that happened:

I didn’t wake up feeling as good as Day Two and this surprised me. Am wondering if it was the concentration of fruit I had the night before (see Day Two). Woke with that seedy sort of ‘drank lots of alcohol last night’ feeling, when of course, I hadn’t touched a drop. Happily, this feeling was markedly less than before starting this regime.

I talked to a girlfriend who’s a nutrition expert and she told me she’d read some findings on the overproduction of yeast in the body (typical of sugar-addicts, like me) and how an overproduction of yeast in the gut, fed by sugar, leads to a fermentation that is akin to producing alcohol in the body overnight – a time when your body is meant to be cleansing and detoxifying itself.

No wonder I’d been waking up the past year feeling I’d been hit by a truck and had drank 19 magaritas the night before. I have always finished my evenings with something sweet – usually chocolate, and usually too much of it. No wonder I woke with a belly full of yeasty margarita fermentation and that sour taste in my mouth.

I did, however, have good energy today, and even had a game of basketball with the family after dinner.

I bought some ground golden flax seed to whip into smoothies for a power shot of essential fatty acids (Omega 3 and 6) which are helpful in burning fat, amongst many other incredibly important body-health essentials.

My husband commented I don’t look as hagged. Umm… hurrah!

I already feel more flexible in my legs and upper back, thanks to the extra energy I’ve had to move more.

I made home-made hummus and Vietnamese rice paper rolls, packed with protein and vegetables, which we nibbled before 6pm. I’m delighting in finding ways to create fabulous food. For dessert I made a rice pudding with brown rice, oat milk, fresh figs, fresh peaches and star anise, baked. No fat, no added sugar, no dairy. And the taste? Amazing! AND busting with nutrition.

I didn’t drink nearly as much water as I should have – must step that up to help cleanse all the muck out of my system.

I still feel happier overall, but had moments of grumpiness and a little fatigue at the dieting witching hour – 3 to 4pm. Felt better after I ate dinner.

I’ve lost one kilo.

I had an excellent night’s sleep.

See you tomorrow!

Day One
Day Two
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Eleven
Day Twelve
Day Thirteen
Day Fourteen


Susan Whelan said...

Well done on sticking with your new diet plan. You're inspiring me to have more self-control when it come to what I eat (unfortunately too late to prevent the 4 pieces of creme brulee cadbury chocolate I had for morning tea.

I wish I could throw myself into something like this. I so desperately want to stop feeling so run down, grumpy and lethargic. I'm going to try to cut back on refined sugar at least and see how that goes. A few other medical conditions make it complicated for me to make extreme changes to my diet, so I'll just have to go one step at a time.

Thea said...

This is great!
You've inspired I've started the 2 week sugar, wheat & alcohol elimination...dairy too hard for now but might add it later!
Thanks for the idea!!

Tania McCartney said...

Go Susan! If there's one thing I'm not great at - it's self-control. I therefore PROMISE you this kind of eating regime is so easy. I'm shocked how easy. You know why? Because you are packing your body with so much nutrition, it becomes sated and doesn't NEED the junk.

Let me know how you go!

Thea - so wonderful to hear you're joining me!! Please send me some links to any posts you do. With dairy, you can have a little milk with tea and cereal but make it skim.

Keep me posted!

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